The volunteer will tailor the sessions around the needs of the child.
Sessions typically involve discussions and mathematical games as well as more conventional ‘classroom’ exercises. Often the volunteer will work with manipulatives, to help reinforce basic concepts and skills.
Our philosophy is to help children find fun and purpose in maths.
So, instead of asking the child ‘what number do you add to 4 to get 10?’ our volunteer might invite the child to pick a playing card and see if they can find a second card that adds up to 10. This can then become part of a game where the winner is the person who finds the most pairs adding to 10. Children are motivated by wanting to win and this also gives a framework for talking through strategies for adding and subtracting.
On the request of the teacher, the volunteer may sometimes work through specific examples or activities relating to current classroom teaching. However, the overall focus of our programme is to ensure that the child develops ‘number sense’ and a sound grasp of foundational maths skills.