Videos by Number Champions

Click on the images to see the videos

We have shown approximate duration in minutes below each video

'Tricks of the Trade'

One of our Mentors shows how household items can be used as props to help children enjoy maths.

Tricks of the Trade: 1


Tricks of the Trade: 2


Interactive Online Workshops

Extracts from some of the regular workshops run by our Mentors for our volunteers.

You can download some of these games from our Games and Activities page.

Addition and Subtraction Games


Bingo Maths Games


Maths Magic


Playing Cards Times Tables


Fizz Buzz Multiples


Extracts from a dedicated workshop for our volunteers run by Mr Numbervator

(Mr Numbervator is the award-winning teacher and BBC1 presenter aka Isaac Anoom)

Fluency, Reasoning & Problem-solving


Place value


Using a Number Line


Children Learn Best by Doing


Using Dienes for Multiplication


Algebraic Pyramid: Promoting Problem-solving Skills
