
Number Champions is committed to safeguarding the welfare of children.

  • We train our volunteers in safeguarding and require them to abide by our safeguarding policy.
  • We take steps to ensure our safeguarding policy is implemented, including training our volunteers and trustees.
  • We require that the schools with which we work have their own safeguarding policy and give our volunteers an induction in this. We require our volunteers to acquaint themselves fully with the school policy and to follow it at all times.
  • Our volunteers meet with children only on school premises during school hours.

You can read our safeguarding policy here.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead

David-Jack Hanson (DJ) is a qualified youth worker and has spent the last decade working with young people in a range of formal and informal settings. He is currently a Designated Safeguarding Officer at a national youth work charity running residentials, overseas trips and after-school clubs across Great Britain. At university, he was an active member of Nightline, helping to support student mental health.

DJ ensures that we have policies and processes in place so that our trustees and volunteers understand their responsibilities to protect children and take active steps to do so. He provides training to our volunteers and is our contact point for any issues regarding safeguarding ([email protected])